
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

time with my one and only :-)

...few and far between are those times I can enjoy with my one and only muse be it because other work demands my attention or because we have had the kinds of BIG changes in our lives lately that attract darkenss over light... Whatever the reason, it's been difficult to lift the soul and allow creativity to freely flow.  HOWEVER, I felt a little buzz in my ear a week ago and closed the computer and headed outdoors with a vintage dress of my own, made by my mother and the very best model for it. I just knew it would look splendid on her! Here are some takes from a recent mini session with my Miss L.

How I can fall in love with her more and more every day is beyond comprehension. She changed my life for the better, continuously enriching it with her giggles and quick wit, challenging my thoughts to remain at the tip of their toes with her curious questions and deep realizations, and always, always reminding me of that ever important lesson that life is to be lived with 'furious' attention to the moment we enjoy in the present. So fortunate I am she is in my life. So very blessed I am, she has been loaned to me during her lovely childhood years.

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