
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sometimes a Butterfly may flutter into your heart..../ Sunset Chase with Felix family

Sometimes, we are gifted with the presence of special individuals at the most unexpected moments in our lives. Liza (AKA Butterfly) came into my life during a very peculiar time....My father was undergoing testing for what appeared to be a pancreatic tumor that resulted in pancreatitis. During the two months my dad underwent evaluations to determine his condition, and later, during the 21 days he spent in the ICU, there wasn't a day in which Liza didn't e-mail or texted me to tell me she was thinking of me, to sprinkle encouragement into what became the darkest time in my life. I lost my dad on October 11 as a result of complications related to the surgery to remove a pancreatic mass. It's the most profound of losses I've experienced this lifetime. I miss him daily. And yet, through this process, I've strengthened bonds with family and old loyal friends, and built new friendships, all of which are nothing but manifestations of my father's love that remains around me.

There is no way of saying 'Thank You' to you, Liza. But, I know that I am forever grateful for your thoughtfulness and presence in my life. Here are a few of the photographs from my sunset chase with Liza and her family, may they forever be a reminder of happy times in your life.

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